The power of the wig


Stick It On hosts many different events which includes plenty of birthdays.  Stick It On comfortably stands up on its own as a great way to bring together family and friends for that big celebration.  Similarly to weddings, all guests can contribute to the music playlist by submitting their three song setlist beforehand, but because birthdays are a bit more relaxed in terms of budget and organisation this reflects in the music for the night.  In essence we try and involve as many people as possible (providing they don’t choose Agadoo!) and be as accommodating as we can.  Music gets picked either because it has some emotive resonance with the birthday girl/boy or because it’s a complete party banger.  Either way it ensures a great night musically.

Recently, we hosted a 40th birthday party for Stewart which had a great turnout of family and friends including his parents.  The invitation to the guests was to submit a three song set of favourite tunes plus to dress as your favourite ’80s icon.  It must be said that if you ever get invited to a fancy dress party, there is only one way to approach it and that is with 100% commitment.   You can’t do a half arsed job because you’ll regret it, you have to live and breathe it to get the best out of it. In our experience,  the power of the wig can do wonders for the atmosphere of a party. Inhibitions get momentarily forgotten as you play out your part (even fantasy). Basically, it gives you the opportunity to have a bit of fun.

Suffice to say that when Stewart’s mum got behind the decks to kick things off with Shirley Bassey’s Let’s get this party started it went off the hook.

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